ADSU Students Want Professor Kaletapwa Farauta To Continue As VC ADSU!

As the new governing council set to bring a new VC, ADSUGIST the number one ☝️ update blog on campus kicks up an online poll in order to hear from the students of this great institute, as well as to air their views and also have a say.

Professor Kaletapwa Farauta popularly called “The Savior” by the students is sure a true leader, a mother, and above all a doer. She’s changed our lives for good and we dearly love her.

Do you want “Professor Kaletapwa Farauta” to continue as the vice chancellor of ADSU Mubi?


ADSU Students Want Professor Kaletapwa Farauta To Continue As VC ADSU! ADSU Students Want Professor Kaletapwa Farauta To Continue As VC ADSU! Reviewed by SEEPMUZIK BLOG on October 25, 2019 Rating: 5


  1. Professor Kaletapwa G. Farauta is a blessing to Adamawa state university. We've pass through alot of turbolence in rescent years, and we dont want the second episode of such to occur. Prof Kaletapwa is a workaholic. And we want her to continue as our VC

  2. Kaletapwa should stay. Her works and achievement have spoken loud for her. A woman with the heart of a man.

  3. Kaletapwa should stay. Her works and achievement have spoken loud for her. A woman with the heart of a man.

  4. She's a good and hard working person I want her to continue,she is a mother and vice chancellor, she's good in her abilities of her administrative.

  5. I've never hear or come across any VC as her,in a short while she has proven to everyone that she can do much more beter than the men.I love her a bunch

  6. I've never hear or come across any VC as her,in a short while she has proven to everyone that she can do much more beter than the men.I love her a bunch

  7. I've never hear or come across any VC as her,in a short while she has proven to everyone that she can do much more beter than the men.I love her a bunch

  8. We need her services because we have tested and see.

  9. We want her to continue ,her service tested and good governance.




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