The Vice Chancellor of Adamawa State University has today said that the management of the institution will deal with students who are peddling inciting comments about dissolution of SUG and other associations in the campus.
The female Vice Chancellor said this at the early hours of today while givither goodwill message at the dedication ceremony of the Christian chapel of the institution.
She said that since the dissolution of the students body, some students took to social media to vet their anger by peddling inciting comments capable of jeopardizing the corporate peace of the institution, which according to her the management of the institution has being monitoring social media to sieve provocative comments for those behind it to be dealt with.
According to the report signed and posted on the official Facebook page of Adamawa State University, Mubi by the protocol unit and later removed from the site mentioned that the vice chancellor and the management of the university took the decision of dissolving SUG to the best interest of students and the staff at large
Though, when the report with caption " Vice Chancellor sheds more light on decision to dissolve students associations on campus" was posted on the official Facebook page of the institution, many students swiftly took to social media to lambast the VC for using pulpit to justify dissolution of SUG which according to those social media commentators, the VC would have gather students to make that justification and not when he was given platform in the church for goodwill message.
Is it the comments of students on social media that made the ADMIN of the official Facebook page of the institution take down the reportage of VC justifying the dissolution of SUG and other associations??? Only God knows!!

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