Floyd Mayweather’s Daughter Gets Jumped In School, Appears To Hold Her Own.

So there is a video going around the internet, claiming to be Iyanna Mayweather, daughter of Floyd, and she is getting jumped by a couple of girls in school. She seems like she inherited some of daddy's skills because she is able to handle herself given the circumstances. The video is blurry, but Iyanna is allegedly the girl in the army green color shirt looking like she is fighting off two girls. Shortly after the video started going viral, Iyanna went on her Facebook page to confirm it was her and lay out some warnings to the girls she was fighting.
Floyd Mayweather’s Daughter Gets Jumped In School, Appears To Hold Her Own. Floyd Mayweather’s Daughter Gets Jumped In School, Appears To Hold Her Own. Reviewed by SEEPMUZIK BLOG on April 28, 2015 Rating: 5

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