Waka Flocka Wants Out Of His Atlantic Records Contract?

So.. the newly presidential candidate is not pleased with Atlantic Records right now. Waka's fans, admirers and fellow members of trap nation been waiting patiently for "Flockaveli 2″ to drop. Atlantic Records pushed back Waka's album and he even proclaimed on twitter that he wants out with Atlantic! Waka announced way back in February that "Flockaveli 2″ would hit shelves June 1.Of course, like most people, waka's project gonna get pushed farther back. The project is reported to have so many talented acts contributing to the trapsterpeice !

Jay, Kanye, Dreezy and more are all rumored to spit dope rhymes on the project! Waka was even planning a very special project that would broaden listener's horizons and include EDM! For the mercy of Waka's fans, lets pray that some sort of miracle happens. There have been so many tapes pushed back for no reason! This is Waka's season and his up and coming tape would just hype up the momentum. Waka's tape is needed from all fans of hip hop and loyal listener's must rally in support of Flocka! How about we protest? You never know… Elvis did the same way back. The old methods that people did to promote change are still very relevant today !
Waka Flocka Wants Out Of His Atlantic Records Contract? Waka Flocka Wants Out Of His Atlantic Records Contract? Reviewed by SEEPMUZIK BLOG on April 28, 2015 Rating: 5

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